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The ceramic industry is a relatively new venture being promoted within the state. The Muadzam Shah Industrial Area has been gazetted as the ceramic cluster for Pahang. Pahang’s Department of Mineral and Geoscience has identified vast amounts of raw material deposits such as ball clay, common clay and kaolin. With this, Pahang’s venture into the ceramic industry has high potential to be developed extensively.

Muadzam Shah Industrial Estate Fast Facts
距最近城镇的距离 Not available
总规划面积(公顷) Not available
开发土地总量(公顷) Not available
可用土地总量(公顷) Not available
售价(每平方英尺价格) RM3.00
每年地税 (RM) 首2公顷每100平方米RM15,每100平方米或其中部分面积RM10,每项所有权的最低税收为 RM150
年度评估 物业/土地价值的7%
租赁期限 99 年
首选行业类型 Ceramic

For more information on Muadzam Shah Industrial Estate, kindly contact:

Teras Dara Konsortium Sdn Bhd,
MM 40A, Medan Mewah,
26700 Muadzam Shah,
Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia.
Tel: +60 (9) 452 2200
HP: +6019 915 7273
传真: +60 (9) 452 5872


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