About PKNP
Pahang State Development Corporation (PKNP)
Incorporated on December 27, 1965 through LKNP Enactment Bil. 12/65, with its main responsibilities to increase, to inspire, and to provide facilities as well as to conduct economic and social development works especially in the sub-urban areas.

OSA Team
One-Stop-Agency Management
The One-Stop-Agency’s management team consists of the key personnel from the Industrial Division of PKNP. The OSA Management Team consists of very experienced key personnel to ensure smooth operations of the division.
Agencies & Companies
Our Directory
Our directories contains the listing of government agencies and private companies in Pahang which can be useful to you as a source of reference.

Reach Us
Online Forms
Our user-friendly online forms available now for access. Reach us by sending your thoughts, ideas, or any suggestions you have.
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