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Benchmarking Visit to Kulim Hi Tech Park (KHTP) Kedah

The Chief Executive Officer, Dato’ Mohd Faizal bin Jaafar, led the PKNP delegation on a Benchmarking Visit to Kulim Hi Tech Park (KHTP), Kedah today, August 14, 2024.

This benchmarking visit aimed to learn the industrial park management methods implemented by the developer of KHTP, Kulim Technology Park Consortium Sdn. Bhd. (KTPCSB), which has successfully become the largest contributor to Kedah’s highest investment value. KHTP has held the top position for the highest investment records in the country from 2021 until the first quarter of 2024, with a total value of RM31.3 billion.

Both PKNP and KTPCSB exchanged views on creating a positive investment climate in their respective states.

The PKNP delegation was warmly welcomed by the Group Chief Executive Officer of KTPCSB, Dato’ Mohd Sahil bin Zabidi, and Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Mohd Zahid bin Abdul Jalil.

Also present from PKNP were the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Development), Mr. Mohd Razif bin Abdul Malek, Acting Industrial Manager, Mr. Mohd Rizal bin Redzuan, and other relevant PKNP officers.

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