Human Capital
Areas and Levels of Expertise
Scouting for skilled and professional workers is easy as Malaysia offers investors diligent, disciplined, educated and trained labour force. Investors can be assured of the quality of Malaysian workforce as amongst the best in the region. To support the claim, the Malaysian Government is actively pursuing to upgrade the human resource development through setting up of public and private training institutions. As to date, there are 20 public and 18 private universities and more than 500 colleges, polytechnics and industrial training institutes that offer courses leading to certificate, diploma, degree and post-graduate degree qualifications.
Special Skills
In order to cater for the demands in the manufacturing sector, the Malaysian Government has taken measures to increase the number of trained engineers, technicians and other skilled personnel graduating each year from local as well as foreign universities, colleges, and technical and industrial training institutions.It is projected that the total enrolment in public institutions of higher learning will reach over 300,000 with more than half in the science and technical disciplines which provides investors to Pahang abundance supply of skilled manpower.
Professional Workforce
The private sector in Malaysia has joined in the Government’s efforts to generate a larger pool of professionals and semi professionals. As such, companies such as Telekom Malaysia and Tenaga Nasional Berhad have taken initiatives to set up private institutions that offer degree and diploma courses in engineering and management in order to supplement the country’s need for trained and skilled professionals.
Quality Manpower
And in order to ensure quality graduates for various fields and sectors, the Government via the Ministry of Human Resources has set up the Department of Skills Development (DSD) to coordinate, evaluate the demand for existing and future skills, identify future vocational and industrial training needs, and continue to develop standards under the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS). Today, there are more than 700 certified standards that cover certificate, diploma and advanced diploma qualifications in the country.